Output Style Instructions


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MLA 6th Edition Annotated with Abstracts (for more information on MLA www.mla.org).


When citing material from a service to which a library or library system subscribes, complete the citation by stating the name of the library or library system (with a city, a state abbreviation or both) and the date of access. Also MLA would like the URL of the service's home page (in angle brackets) otherwise you can end with the date of access. This library information must be manually added to each record as appropriate.


Use the MLA Edition – with subscriber information to automatically insert a “place holder” for this information.



If no author present QuikBib will print the title. The first author name should be entered last name first followed by a comma, first name and middle name followed by a comma.  All other author names should be entered First Middle Last followed by a comma with the last name followed by a period.



Capitalize the first word, the last word and all important words.



MLA requires publisher names be abbreviated.  Users need to manually abbreviate this field -- RefWorks does not automatically abbreviate this information. (See MLA 7.5). 


Periodical Volume and Issue:

Use full periodical names if available.  Omit the issue number if the journal's pages are numbered continuously throughout each annual volume.


Periodical Title:

Omit any introductory A, An or The in the journal title.


Retrieved and Last Updated Dates:

Date should appear as: day mon. year, with month abbreviated (except May, June, July).


Periodical Volume and Issue:

Use full periodical names if present.


If the periodical is paginated by issue, meaning that every issue of the volume begins with page 1, then include the issue. If the periodical has continuous pagination, meaning that each issue continues the pagination where the previous issue left off, include only the volume.



If the internet site does not assign a a specific URL to each document, give the URL of the site's home page or of the site's search page.


Journal Example:


Petruzziello, F., et al. "Amyloid in Bone Marrow Smears of Patients Affected by Multiple Myeloma." Annals of Hematology 89.5 (2010): 469. ProQuest Medical Library. ProQuest. 4/9/2010 <http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1987990391&Fmt=7&clientId=56086&RQT=309&VName=PQD>
Systemic AL amyloidosis is associated with nearly 15% of cases of multiple myeloma, but data on the frequency and significance of amyloid deposits in the bone marrow of patients affected by multiple myeloma without clinical signs of systemic amyloidosis are scanty. Bone marrow smears of 166 unselected patients affected by multiple myeloma (126 at diagnosis and 40 after treatment) were stained with Congo red and studied by transmission and birefringence microscopy. Both focal and diffuse storages were considered positive. Overall, 67 patients were positive and 99 were negative to Congo red and apple-green birefringence. In particular, 51 of the 126 patients studied at diagnosis and 16 of the 40 patients with advanced disease were positive. Seventeen patients were reassessed after a mean follow-up of 32 months (range: 6-91): disappearance of amyloid deposits was verified in three cases, all responsive to bortezomib-based regimens. The preliminary data available suggest that amyloid deposition in the marrow of myeloma patients is frequent, as it can be traced in nearly 40% of cases.

Newspaper Article Example:

Wong, Wailin. "Uno Parent Files Bankruptcy; Debt-for-Equity Deal in Works." Chicago Tribune Jan 21 2010: 21. ProQuest. 4/9/2010 <http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=1944074281&Fmt=7&clientId=56086&RQT=309&VName=PQD>
According to court documents, the two sides reached an agreement in principle in August.

Book Example:

Bainbridge, T., and A. Teasdale. The Penguin Companion to European Union. Penguin, 1995. Google Scholar. 4/9/2010
Ten countries have just joined the EU, the proposed new constitution is being hotly debated and measures to foster greater proposed are being introduced at all levels. These and many other developments are surveyed in this new edition of the bestselling Penguin Companion to European Union, now completely revised and expanded. Arranged alphabetically, the Companion provides a balanced and comprehensive picture of the ideas, institutions, personalities and political pressures
that are shaping today’s Europe. <http://www.penguincatalogue.co.uk/media/archive/pdf/0141021187.pdf>.