Output Style Instructions


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Council of Biology Editors  Standard – CBE 6th, Citation-Sequence:



References should be numbered consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text.  References are to be indented on all lines. 



If there is no author in a reference RefWorks will show [Anonymous] as required by CBE 6th. All author names should be entered last name followed by a space then first and middle initials (no spaces) followed by a comma (e.g., Jones JD).  The last author listed is followed by a period.  List all authors.



Use the full periodical name if present, otherwise abbreviated. Single-word titles are given in unabbreviated form. Title words, unabbreviated and abbreviated , are capitalized. Abbreviations are not followed by periods.



Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns and proper adjectives.




An edition field may be needed for books published in 2nd or later editions; it should follow the title with the form, for example, "2nd ed" ("edition" abbreviated).



Only arabic numerals should be used for issue numbers. CBE allows the omition of the month (and day for weeklies) and issue number as an option for Journals with continuous pagination in volumes.


Journal Sample:

1.    Zabelina DL, Robinson MD. Child’s play: Facilitating the originality of creative output by a priming manipulation. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts 2010 February;4(1):57-65.

Book Sample:

2.     Yawkey TD and Pellegrini AD. 1984. Child's play : Developmental and applied. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. 391 p.