Output Style Instructions


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APA 5th Edition Annotated with Abstracts (www.apastyle.org)  



If no author present QuikBib will print the title. Author names should be formatted last name first followed by a comma, first name (or first initial followed by a period), and middle initial followed by a period. Each entry must be separated by a semi-colon.



Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns.



Use full periodical names if present.


Volume and Issue:

If the periodical is paginated by issue, meaning that every issue of the volume begins with page 1, then include the issue. If the periodical has continuous pagination, meaning that each issue continues the pagination where the previous issue left off, include only the volume.


Internet articles based on a print source:

If you have viewed the article only in its electronic form, you should add brackets after the article title as follows: [Electronic version]




If no abstract is available in database record it will be absent from the formatted bibliography.



Journal Example:


Head, D. (2003). Child's Play: Revisiting play in early childhood settings. Journal of Family Studies, 9(2) 275. Retrieved February 17, 2004, from the PsycINFO database.
Reviews this book, which provides an in-depth exploration of the relationships children have between play, learning, growth, and development. The main idea is to describe how the child develops socially, cognitively, and emotionally within a variety of environments and social constructs. It explores play within the multicultural society in which we live, and notes that it is extremely important to be sensitive to the cultural meanings that may be acted out by children through play. Issues related to play techniques utilized with the gifted child and children with disabilities are also addressed.


Book Example:

Newland, T. E. (1976). The gifted in socio-educational perspective. Oxford, England: Prentice-Hall. Retrieved February 17, 2004, from the PsycINFO database.
Discusses the plight of the gifted child, covering the social, psychological, and philosophical considerations involved, problems of educational policy, administration, instruction, and the differences between practices and programs for the gifted. Special attention is given to the situation of the gifted child in rural areas and to research on the gifted and their educational needs.