Output Style Instructions


QuikBib strives for accuracy in all output styles. We recommend verifying that there are no new style instructions before submitting your paper.  Always check your reference list for accuracy.


APA 6th Edition (www.apastyle.org)  



When there are more than seven authors the first six are to be listed, ellipses added after the sixth, and the last author added at the end. (Extraneous names will have to be removed by the user and the ellipses added manually.) If no author present the title will print. Author names should be entered last name first followed by a comma, first name (or first initial followed by a period), and middle initial followed by a period.



Capitalize only the first word of the title and of the subtitle, if any, and any proper nouns.



Use full periodical names if present.


Publication Year:

Use a 4 digit year.


Volume and Issue:

If the periodical is paginated by issue, meaning that every issue of the volume begins with page 1, then include the issue. If the periodical has continuous pagination, meaning that each issue continues the pagination where the previous issue left off, include only the volume.



Include DOI (Digital Object Identifier) if included with article.  If there is no DOI, include a URL that would link back to the article or information  ou are citing. 


Internet articles based on a print source:

If you have viewed the article only in its electronic form, you should add brackets after the article title as follows: [Electronic version]





Journal Example:


Head, D. (2003). Child's play: Revisiting play in early childhood settings. Journal of Family Studies, 9(2), 275. doi: 1234567


Book Example:

Thomas, G. I., & Crescimbeni, J. (1966). Guiding the gifted child. New York, NY, US: Random House. doi:  1234567